Making zero
emission freight
a reality

Discover our recommendations to make a shift towards
zero- emission vans and trucks

About National truck platforms


Trucking and road freight in Europe is changing, fast. How can each country manage the challenges of ‘going green’ and decarbonising without compromising their fleet’s efficiencies and existing commitments?

The National Trucking Platforms are round-table in each country working towards constructive solutions to decarbonise freight transport in Europe over the next 10 years.

The decarbonisation of the road freight sector is one of the main challenges for Europe in the next decade. We believe that the solutions should come from the ground up. That s why the National Truck Platforms are gathering key transport and logistics actors -businesses, public stakeholders, Academic and NGOs- in six European countries to come up with concrete recommendations on what is required to speed up the decarbonisation of the sector.

Why decarbonizing road transport is key:

  1. Heavy duty vehicles represent ~1% of the total EU fleet, however they are responsible of more than 26% of the emissions of road transport.
  2. Trucks represent ~5% of the total EU emissions.


Discover the

Truck platforms have been created in six European countries:

  1. Spain
  2. Italy
  3. Poland
  4. Germany
  5. France
  6. United Kingdom

The Platforms’ members include truck makers, industry associations, logistics companies, grid operators and other relevant stakeholders.

14 9 14 7 5 1

Each platform has been discussing the potential technology pathways for decarbonising freight, and the different costs and benefits associated with this shift. Another key element is the charging infrastructure: the Platforms have identified the infrastructure requirements and costs at a national level.


14 members



9 members



14 members



7 members



5 members


United Kingdom

1 members

United Kingdom


Reach out to know more about the National Truck Platforms.
For further questions about our work or for press enquiries,
please contact us.